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By Celeste Hawkins

RRRThere are many reasons as to why Melbourne is known as the cultural capital of Australia. I know I am probably preaching to the converted here for most of our Melbourne readers, but Community radio station RRR (102.7) is an absolute gem shining in what sometimes may seem like a sea of commerciality and banality. For the benefit of overseas visitors to this site and those living in other states-you can stream RRR live any time online.

I’m going to share with you just two of my many favourite segments here:

Smart Arts with Richard Watts.

Anyone who has listened to Richard will soon realise that he is extremely passionate about the arts and in particular has a penchant for live performance. This morning they were talking about some of the pieces that are going to be apart of this years Melbourne Fringe Festival which kicked off yesterday- but I couldn’t listen to all of it, so fortunately I can catch up on it here. Richard is also the National Reviews Editor for Arts Hub.

Multi-Storied with Elizabeth Mc Carthy and Louise Irving

These ladies always have some interesting commentary on story telling- interviews with authors, all things stage, poetry, mythology and reviews contribute to the mix.  As presenters they converse in a witty and most comforatble way that makes you feel like you are apart.


Happy Listening!


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