Reviews, Essays and Ramblings

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An archived list of this and that…


By Celeste Hawkins


Vali Meyers

Del Kathyrn Barton

Cirque Africa in Australia

Claire Bridge at Nite Art

Getting Out of Your Own Way-Writing workshop at the Wheeler Centre with Jon Bauer

Kate Shaw-Catalogue Essay

Making Work Because you Love it-Patrick Ness and Rick Amor

Michael Leunig

Being in your Element-Sir Ken Robinson

Kikki Smith

David Lynch on Creativity and Consciousness

David Walliams-Comedian and author

A good Blend-Adrain Doyle

Ben Quilty

Art and Science at the Wheeler Centre

Elemental at the Planetarium

Nina Sellars at the Harry Brookes Allen Anatomy and Physiology Museum-Nite Art

Art and Science on You Tube

Ai Weiwei -Never Sorry

Sylvia Plath

Edward Gorey

The Light in Winter-Fed Square

StART UP Top Arts 2014

The Art and The Curious on Meta-Lands- Arts Magazine

How is your Knowledge on Contemporary Art? 4 Must read Articles

5 Great Art Blogs You must Visit!



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