Adventures in Lopland #1

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Here’s another for illustration Friday. Thankfully, there is a time difference between here and the US as this is for the week beginning Friday of last week! Adventures in Lopland is my new side- side- side project. Translation- one of my three side projects. Side projects are great. I’ve been taking classes on Skillshare for about 6 months now and the term ‘side project’ is being thrown around a lot. I feel great knowing that these projects on the side are like my passion projects-or the ones I cant put in 100 percent right now…but I still have to do them or they will haunt me! I’ve had the idea to do a regular cartoon or comic strip for a while as a series. So here we have: “Adventures in Lopland”-1st instalment.

Another project-is the zine which is ready to send to the printers and I’m putting a class together for Skillshare. You can subscribe to my newsletter or follow my new facebook page for updates.

Feel free to comment there or send me any questions or suggestions to I’d love to hear from you!

x Celeste


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