On Storytelling…

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An amazing array of artists came together to deliver Elemental at the Planetarium last Thursday evening. You may have had a chance to experience it in Bendigo on Friday night if tickets are still available. Otherwise…I’m sorry folks. Alicia Sometimes, narrator and poet,was a co-writer for this production of all things Universe and Infinite. I hadn’t been to the planetarium since a child,technology sure has come a long way since then. The animations and visual effects were sensational. I lay back and the storytelling began; through voice over, live music performance and the ongoing visual animation on the domed ceiling above.


On the subject of storytelling, I just viewed episode 5 of Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery Service on ABC where she interviewed John Safran. I cannot but help warm to John. Known by many as an ‘agitator’ he is a true artist. He describes himself as taking an ‘Insider/outsider’ approach to what he does (in terms of his research practices-he certainly does this) and a storyteller. Here is a man that truly understands his own character and knows what he has to do. He has also recently written a true crime novel. Not your ordinary crime novel of course!

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